Partial walk around the Lagoon

Happy to report that the broken toe is slowly healing.  However, it isn’t healed enough for me to do a full walk around my happy place, Lost Lagoon.  So today, I just did a partial walk.  Please come with me, and enjoy!

Staycation Day

I had a vacation day today.  I went to physio, ran a couple of errands, watched the Olympics for longer than I’d planned, then went to Granville Island.  Here are some photos that I took while I was out and about today.  Enjoy.  And have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!  ❤

English Bay

Our good friends Carlo and Marion, and their son were visiting from Victoria today, and we had a lovely visit and dinner with them.  (yay for good friends!!)  On the way back to our car, we walked via English Bay. Here are some photos.  Have a good Friday everyone!!

Just a few things to share

I haven’t taken too many photos in the last couple of days.  I did find some snails after a rain, a wet puppy (also after a rain), Dennis and I went to our little community garden tonight to water (no rain today), and will be inundated with cherry tomatoes very soon.  One of my fellow…

Yesterday, Today…and what a day today was

We’ve had quite the day here in the land of lens3.  As some of you may have seen on Facebook, we got quite the alarm/scare from Neva last night.  Just when we thought we’d got the end of meds etc behind us, she had a burst/abscessed anal gland (you’re welcome).  She was at the vet…

Checking in from Mom’s

Hola!  I hope all of you are having a good weekend.  I’m over in Victoria with my Mom.  Here are some photos from our day!  (sorry for the quick update…I’ll be back on Monday!  Happy Sunday to everyone!)  

Friday off work

I had the day off today.   We don’t have any firm vacation plans this year, so I’ve decided to make a few long weekends for myself with a few of my days.  I can’t go for long walks right now, but still managed to get out and about today while I was running errands…

Guess what I did???

Nothing to be proud of.  I’ll come clean, the reason that I haven’t gone for a good walk this week is because it looks like I may have a toe fracture.  sigh.  I’m walking, just not far or quickly for a bit.  (this is what happens when your foot hits the edge of a box while…

Little things to share

I don’t have too many photos to share today (I didn’t walk at lunchtime…again….) but I did zip down to our vet’s for some Neva food, and checked in on the little kittens who are now 3 weeks old.  AWWWW!!!   Other little things today included a ladybug, new snails in my aquarium (RIP “Big…

Quick Lost Lagoon Walk

Today was BC Day, so no work, but was filled with errands, visits, pick ups and drop offs, and a quick walk around my happy place, Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park.  (so good for the soul)  There weren’t that many photos to take, but I did find some late season ducklings (one that was jumping…

Happy Pride, Vancouver

Dennis and I are fortunate to live in a very inclusive city (well, for the most part), we have wonderful friends who are members of the LGBTQ Community, and today, we went down (with 500,000 of our closest friends – including the Prime Minister of Canada) to the Vancouver Pride Parade.  We’ve been several times…