Urban Eagle Action

I’ll start today’s post with a photo of Neva wearing her favorite toy “Prawn on a stick” as a hat.  Nice Neva! Very avant garde.  (sorry Neva! 🙂 ) The first snowdrops of the year, in Cousin Helen’s yard…. I see you Mr. Squirrel…. I see a face in this discarded coffee cup top….. A…

Scenes from Saturday

We had some plans yesterday that were changed, but we did go to a park in North Vancouver, where we saw some impressive nature, crab catchers, people bundled up but enjoying the outdoors, as well as the most dramatic crow fight I could ever imagine.  It was a full on gang war.  BUT…happily, the one…

Quick Bird Pond Views

I had a very quick walk around our neighborhood bird pond today.  It still has some ice on some parts.  Enjoy those pictures, and other shots from the day. This sign was in an underground parking lot I was in last night.  Leftover from last weekend’s march I guess… I found out that this cat’s…

Two Things…

Only two things to share today because it wasn’t a photo day for me.  😦 I did post these two pictures on Instagram though.  Neva’s daily supermodel pose (maybe she’s staring at the cobweb on the ceiling) And this heart was posted on The Random Heart Project page. Hopefully more photos tomorrow.  Have a good…

Another Day, Another Beaver

Not too much exciting happening here in the land of lens3, and comments on this post are made with tongue firmly planted in cheek….I have acquired two Otto Cat algae eaters for my aquarium at work.  I named one “Cat” so the second one is “Mouse”.  (good thing I didn’t have kids, who knows what…

Critters from yesterday and today

Happy Monday!  Today, I’m sharing photos from yesterday in Victoria, and today in our frosty sunshine. These were taken when my Mom and I went for a drive….. I’m trying to talk my Mom into getting a couple of chickens.  HA!!  Can’t say I blame her for saying “no”…but these ones are pretty cute. These…

Marching in Victoria

Hi from my Mom’s house in Victoria.  This afternoon, I, my good friend Marion and her son walked in the Women’s March.  For me, it wasn’t about political affiliations, it was in support of basic human rights, that seem to be in jeopardy south of our border right now, and through other parts of the world.  It…

Here comes the rain again…

…for the record, I LOVE Annie Lennox, and the song from today’s title.  🙂   We are very happy that the cold snap seems to have broken.  It is pouring with rain, but the ice/snow is melting.  Here are some rainy pictures from the last couple of days. (and one of Neva too.  It is…

Happy 7th….

…Adopt-iversary to our kitty Neva.  Seven years ago today we rescued her, and over that time, she’s rescued us. We are very happy to have this little hooligan in our family!  Neva says “NIP FOR ALL”! (no other photos today…more will follow tomorrow)      

Quite the show

Today, I’m sharing pictures from yesterday (those with blue sky) and from a walk I took today to Olympic Village.  And yes, I saw one of the famous urban beavers.  Here are glimpses of my world.  Enjoy!

Pretty things, cold air and Eras

Happy Saturday to all.  I’ve had a busy day, this morning I met my friend Lindi and her Personal Assistance Puppy in Training, Eras, for a long (and frosty) walk around Stanley Park.  When the sun is shining, the cold isn’t that bad.  There were all kinds of pretty scenes to capture, so I’m sharing…