Catch Up Time Again

It is catch up time again for lens3.  Today’s post include photos from our Sunday with my Mom, more lensball practice, Neva, a few shots of Olympic Village, sunsets, birds…. it goes on.  Enjoy!  (and thanks for sticking with me while I am so busy and not posting daily!  That will return, I promise…)


I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA all week.  My work has been a little consuming, and I haven’t had many chances to a) take photos b) edit photos c) post photos and d) sleep.  HA!  Kidding, that is a bit dramatic, but I’ve had a hell of a week.  Fingers crossed life calms down just…

Hopefully ALMOST the last….

…round of snow photos!  These are from a walk late last week.  I didn’t do much walking/photo taking this weekend…but happy to report a lot of this snow/ice is melting.  It is beautiful, but it can leave permanently now!  LOL!  Have a great week everyone!

Happy Valentine’s Day….

…from Neva to all of you! In other news, it is still snowy and cold here.  And LOOK at all the icicles and snowmen that I saw today.  BRRR…..but beautiful!!

Snow Days

We’re in the path of a really big storm, which is really unusual for Vancouver.  As a result, schedules have changed, roads are closed, but it is gorgeous!  So today’s post is very “snow centric”, but also include Neva being adorable, our hummingbirds and my new lensball.  Can’t wait to get out and use it…

Lost Lagoon Walk

I was originally supposed to be over with my Mom this weekend.  But high winds and snow in her neck of the woods kept me home.  We dodged the worst of the storm, and yesterday, though cold, was lovely.  I took a walk around Lost Lagoon.  (there are a couple of other shots to start….) …

BRRRRR! (Again!)

We’re still in the throws of a cold snap. (by Vancouver standards)  I took a quick walk at lunchtime to find some ice patterns and formations.  Brrr….but gorgeous!  (also gorgeous, a lovely puppy in training!  AWW)  


I’ll preface this post by saying “we have nothing to complain about” compared to many across North America.  But, a little cold snap has hit Vancouver, and as a result, there were a few photo opportunities in the snow. The news item across the bottom of the screen this morning cracked me up!  Go Banana…

Superbowl Sunday….

…and shots from Saturday.   We’re not able to stream the #kittenbowl here in Canada, but that didn’t stop me from making Neva a Kitten Bowl trading card on the Hallmark Channel’s website.  LOL!!!  She’s ready for the Superbowl! Speaking of white cats….I regularly take Cousin Helen helium balloons to her home.  I found this one…

Catch Up

Hi All.  And HAPPY FRIDAY!  This felt like a bit of a loooong week, but the weekend is here.  I did go for a couple of short walks after work.  LOVE that its getting lighter already.  I also had an appointment downtown, so walked over the Cambie St. Bridge and got a few photos there…