Hope You’re Enjoying the Holidays

Hopefully all of you are able to enjoy this holiday season a while longer.  I’m taking a couple more days off from photos to spend quality family time, and will be back with some (hopefully) pretty shots in the next few days!  Cheers to everyone! (and cheers to my lensball)

Just a few from this week…

This has been another crazy week with work, holiday commitments and caring for a couple of people who aren’t well.  Photography has taken a true back seat, and I can’t wait to carry my camera and get behind the shutter again.  In the meantime, wishing Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Cheers to all.

Mostly Puppies

Just a few more shots from the last few days.  A cookie exchange I attended at work, Jolly St. Nick (who tried to hit on my mom!  Go Mom!), puppies o’plenty and a couple of random scenes.  Enjoy this week before Christmas all.

Just a few from Saturday

Hi All.  I’m over at my Mom’s place in Victoria, here are just a few shots from today. Diving bird….. Nine week old “Chandler” with Santa.  He’s adoptable, and he’s LOVELY!!!!  AWWWW.   Holding a puppy is good for the soul. Very cute ornament Another VERY cute dog.  This is 11 year old Louise. And THIS…

This week….

…was very busy, and few photos were taken.  Sharing anyway, more on the weekend.

Seen In Passing….

…in a thrift store last week. Just WOW.  This poor woman has a giant wasp nest on her head…. One out of three children looks MILDLY happy…yikes…. Giddyup! Too bad this wasn’t Dennis’ size… And these two dreadfully awful but too funny ornaments came home with me to add to my “bad Christmas ornament collection”. …

Mishmash of Photos

I don’t think the word “mishmash” is used enough.  HA!  Kidding…  Today’s photo deck is just a bunch of photos from the last few days.  Enjoy!  

Flash Time

One of my colleagues looked out the window the other day, and noticed there was a film set right across the road.  On closer look, we figured out that they were filming The Flash.  I’ve never seen the show, but a number of my coworkers have, and watching him literally turn around over and over…

Can You See Me….

…in this picture?  LOL!  I’m there… I’m not in either of these photos of this morning’s sunrise though.  We were on the way to the ferry ’cause I’m over with my mom this weekend. Seen in my Mom’s front yard…. Seen on the Saanich Peninsula…. Seen in a puddle because it’s freakin’ chilly here… Seen…